artwork planning painting acrylics

Artists Block!

It’s come to this, I can’t believe I can’t formulate an image in my head, I can’t think of anything, it’s gone dead!

These and many other phrases are said by most artists at some time or other, believe me! It can happen at any time, time away from the fluidity of painting for whatever reason or life events. It happens to most of us!

Best advice is not to fret, easy hey? Not always, so, sketch pad to hand… doodle! Shapes, lines, swirls, anything. Relax, get comfortable. Before you know it you’ll be finding some reoccurring theme to your doodles. Keep with it, now move into thumb nail sketches, as many and as crazy as you like but above all remain relaxed – this is your time. Get the colours out and continue doodling or playing with colours. Allow yourself to play. This is one of my best top tips: allow yourself to play. Out of this time will flow ideas or feelings that you may not have been fully aware of. Take this further and you’re on the road to your next piece.

Happy discovery x

artwork planning painting acrylics, painting

So much to do!

The new academic year is gearing up, and the race to get everything done in time feels more pressurised this week!

I’ve been happily making examples of painting with oils for my new students coming into college this term. At the same time finishing off my own acrylic paintings, posting on social media and taking a few online courses for my continued professional practice. I’m feeling pulled in so many directions!

Working to a plan helps, keeping a calendar of events helps, but I need to plan more time “out”. It’s really important as an artist to allow yourself time away! And, during the time away… not to be looking for the next idea of a painting! Is that even possible 😃


Stay cool and paint!

It might be sweltering outside but keep the blinds closed and enter the world of creating!

It’s worth printing out colour images and saving them in a protective file as you come across different topics. I’ve built up a wonderful image library over the decades! I keep them in sections (to be honest there are so many I have different book files!) and on a day like this a quick flip through soon motivates me into creating my next new acrylic painting (if I haven’t one on the go!).

Select your colour palette, take a deep breath and off you go into a wonderful colourful world! Happy painting! 🎉 🎨